Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bird Photography Weekly #36 - Pine Siskins

I looked out the window today to see these birds at my goldfinch feeder. I thought, aw great stupid sparrows learned how to flip upside down...grrr! But then I got out my binoculars and took a closer look. I saw some yellow on the wings...hmmm.....what is that? Not a goldfinch....then Pine Siskin somehow popped into my head, I could just hear my mom say it. I really couldn't picture one for sure so I looked it up. Sure enough, that's what these were! I was so excited, so of course, I ran and got my camera. Boy, I really wish I had a better zoom lens!

Go here for more great bird pics-

1 comment:

  1. What a cool sighting, seeing them hanging up-side-down. :-)
